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WA4THR, Vic Klein, Candidate for President in Dec 2023 Election 

Name:  Vic Klein Vic.jpg
 Bear Gap, PA
ECARS History:

Member Since:   2004
Previous Offices / Duties:  Director (2012 - 2019), ECARS Grant Coordinator, President since 2019
Current Net Control Operator:   Yes, filling in since 2005, regular slot since 2010

Other Amateur Radio History:
      Licensed since 1964.  Active in local amateur radio clubs in Knoxville, TN, Warminster, PA, and current QTH.  Active with local RACES organization in area.  In addition to the  home QTH station, I operate mobile when on the road and remotely via base station.  I also enjoy homebrewings such as the BitX QRP radios that I use portable and mobil from time to time. Long time member of ARRL, I enjoy hamfests, particularly FrostFest in Richmond, The Hamvention in Xenia, and our local club hamfest.

Community Activities:
     Active member of Grace Independent Chapel.  Board Secretary and Past President of Bloomsburg Children's Museum.  Have served on the Boards of The Columbia-Montour Alliance for Economic Growth, FOCUS Central PA, the Bloomsburg Chamber of Commerce, the Northumberland County Industrial Development Authority,and the Bloomsburg Theater Ensemble.

Personal Comments:
When I opened a manufacturing consulting business in the early 2000s, I traveled widely from OH eastward through most of the NE United States.   During this time I became a frequent user of ECARS while on the road and came to appreciate the service that ECARS provided as well as the camaraderie of the NCS and users.  ECARS is a great resource, so as I approached retirement in 2011 I was happy to take on a more active role as a regular NCS.